Improbably long ago, life as we know it came to be on these 101 islands on the planet Ilia Khah, surrounded by a vast ocean expanse that has never been charted. Five ancestral kingdoms based on five central mainlands eventually became the first and only major societal structure to control most of history. The kingdoms fought for most of this history, but came to peace just a few centuries ago, ending tens of thousands of years of not much societal organization at all followed by a few thousand years of territory wars. The world's culture seems to grow and mature faster than its technology, demonstrating infrastructure and high levels of organization that sit weakly on the back of not much technological support, save for choice few critical developments and subject areas. There is no electricity, but there is a sort of world government and global food supply. Things have seemed peaceful since the Avaloch Accords, the basis of the new unified government, were ratified. It is the Year Restriction 446, nearly 500 years into global peace, and you are invited to experience this global peace and discover how fragile it truly is against the happenings that surround it.
Some Tips From Lily ~ How To Use This Website
'inspect element' may or may not include minor spoilers here and there. Probably harmless, but I will warn you anyway. And maybe even humbly request you avoid it where possible. Which should be all of the time. I'm fairly certain the website works. I will cry if it doesn't.
I couldn't think of a better way to link back to this mostly useless homepage, so if for some reason you want to come back, hit the title banner of the page you're currently on.
The navbar is meant to flow left to right on your first tour of this site. But you're free to do what you want.
The map page will look small and hella zoomed out your first time. But thanks to some javascript and python madness and/or miracles, it pans and zooms just fine to help you take it all in at your own pace.
This site will contain errors. Helping me spot them earns Lily points, which cannot be redeemed for anything useful or meaningful.
When in doubt, just message me about something. I'll either know an answer or figure one out and get back to you.
Another 'when in doubt' thing. Bring it! Your challenges, questions, doubts, remarks, jokes, etc etc. Bring it! Bring it all!
Pay less attention to the style and format than you think you need to. This is my first website and it's very ugly. I'm still in shock it holds itself together tbh.
I am too lazy to make a pronunciation guide, at least for now, but I promise I do have a set pronunciation in mind for literally everything you will see here.