By now, we're used to a system of languages that is intimately tied to race. While I'm not out to abolish this in its entirety, I find it falls a bit flat in the context of IK8MR. In order to center the history of the world more concretely around the five ancestral kingdoms of Seraphora, Crystalis, Ebonreach, Verdantia, and Emberlyn, I have decided to give each its own family of languages and dialects. There are common Seraphoran, Crystalisian, Ebonreacher, Verdantial, and Emberlynnie tongues in addition to the panilian common tongue.
Thieves' Cant will function in the usual manner. My 'Schmuzzish' will appear, and will be much harder to learn than normal languages. Chromatelegraphy/VVVV will also count as a language skill, though the process to acquire it on your character sheet is something I haven't actually worked out. If you're interested in pursuing something like that for your character, let's just go ahead speak one on one ~ message me! :)))
Racial languages will make their appearance in the form of dialects. Each race is given a dialect of its ancestral common tongue. Members of that race will have the anticipated proficiency from the start, as well as in the common dialect from their kingdom.
Though, I also aim for the word 'proficiency' in the sense of languages to be a little bit experimental here. In 5e, it's a binary. I sort my language tiers into three categories:
- Culturally Familiar: Despite the name, this should be regarded as the state of unfamiliarity. You have lived in close enough proximity to those familiar with the language to pick up the bare minimum. Your knowledge is not yet functional, but you might know up to (no more than) a dozen words or phrases that are, at best, very situational or very basic (likely, both). In almost every conceivable circumstance, everyone will be considered at least culturally familiar with the everyday languages you encounter as a function of accordian history and culture.
- Functional Limited: A state in which you could survive if stranded amongst sufficiently patient speakers of the language. You cannot make use of modifiers to ability checks involving the use of this language.
- Fluent: As it sounds. Even if a language is not your first language and bits of cultural subtlety might still be missing, you are able to discuss essentially any subject at great length with extremely infrequent need for correction on grammar or vocabulary. You have earned the use of your modifiers in a broad range of conversations and adventuring circumstances, including your CHA modifier for things like flirting or negotiating prices or your WIS modifier for things like talking to a dog who has been trained in the language or trying to read someone's tone for signs of dishonesty as they offer up vital information.
The standard system of training checks will be used in the event you wish to acquire a new language or improve in one already listed. I cannot possibly have a set scheme for what it will take in your unique circumstance and background to progress from one level to the next. We will negotiate this and come up with a plan together if ever you reach out with intent to put your character through some degree of language learning.