Hepisod 5

Loud Noises In An Alley (Are Seldom Good)

Hepisod Date IRL 03/02/2025

Dates Spanned On Ilia Khah: M04W3D5-7, Year Restriction 446

Events Summary

We regather Louis and head to Solara on a joint boat repair and treasure hunt mission. The couple Tina knows there are not normal, but their hospitality is about as good as it gets if you can stomach their eccentricities. Hanea scores her third date with Tina and a very tall inn helps Louis discover a fear of heights in a way he never thought possible. Through Louis, the party discovers some amazing things to do with the crab meat that ambushed them, wholly unprepared for the fight. Additionally, the burden of large quantities of crab took them to a nearby publishing house with connections to V.R. The person working the desk let slip that the very next morning, a close associate to V.R. would stop by, and so the party made her their next mission. She is called Jenne, apparently with a past that connects to Haneastacia's some years ago. They stalk her from the publishing house to an alley behind the market district in Cheradeville, where she and her wife who came to protect her defeat our party in battle.

The Hepisod Anatomy, in Detail, by 'Stage'

Stage No. 1 ~ Body Count

Stage No. 2 ~ Ewes Company