Hepisod 4

Branching Out

Hepisod Date IRL 11/17/2024

Dates Spanned On Ilia Khah: M04W3D1-4, Year Restriction 446

Events Summary

The party investigates a series of blanket thefts in Mountport. Their first day gets them a profile but not much beyond that. Their second day ends up in an early start, but indeed the early birds would get their worm, following Tina's lead to the Archmun manor and eventually uncovering the culprit, Faer Gun Kot, an air genasi protesting new trade taxes by staging a dramatic and dimwitted solo terrorist demonstration. After apprehending him and earning praise from the mayor, the party is assigned an ecological survey to support city planning but quickly becomes sidetracked by all manner of other plans, schemes, and wants. This includes their desire to take a trip up to Solara, where Fisk seems to think the crystal he took from the cave dungeon was pointing him. They end up asking Tina for early use of the Ruthless. As coincidence would have it, she also wanted to take Ruthless to Solara for some repairs, maintenance, and general overhaul and updating. Due to a problem with the ship's wheel, the party is delayed some, using this time to make great progress on their ecology job and taking the time to tour the ship, take inventory, and claim bed spaces. Meanwhile, Louis Baptiste delves into religious research at the temple library, uncovering potential clues about the enigmatic Blue Lathanderian symbol from their earlier dungeon exploration. These threads intertwine as the group balances preparation for future adventures and their ongoing investigations.

The Hepisod Anatomy, in Detail, by 'Stage'

Stage No. 1 ~ Blanket Statement

Stage No. 2 ~ Faer Gun Caught

Stage No. 3 ~ Change of Pace

And now the appendices????

Stage 'No.' 'A' ~ Blue-Sky Research