Hepisod 2

Patrons Ain't

Hepisod Date IRL 10/13/2024

Dates Spanned On Ilia Khah: M04W2D12-13, Year Restriction 446

Events Summary

The party cleans up after the assassination attempt from Hepisod 1. Mayor Tina Johnson congratulates them for preventing a disaster and has the body of the assassin't carted to an Eldath temple for last rites and a thorough investigation. Kelzyr bids farewell to his trainer in Victor Baptiste, who promises to advocate for him in the IFL as well as get a personal letter home to his Rhamuur. The party then attends an auction for the clipper ship Ruthless, hosted by H.E. Copperpacker. They plot to rig the event against Mountport's advantage, employing a variety of underhanded tactics. So much chaos ensues. Despite their efforts, Mountport still wins the Ruthless. After the auction, the party rests. Haneastacia spends her night with Dornise Faywiles, the museum director, and Kelzyr receives notice his immediate future league duties are officialy suspended. The next morning, they head to Fisk's quest to explore a cave dungeon. Along their hike, they witness a naked gnome fleeing some shrubbery in terror but find no immediate danger that follows him. In the dungeon, the party is trapped and ambushed by skeletons. They are readily defeated, but not without a fight that takes its toll.

The Hepisod Anatomy, in Detail, by 'Stage'

Stage No. 1 ~ Assassin't

Stage No. 2 ~ The Copperpacker

Stage No. 3 ~ Honk Shoo

Stage No. 4 ~ Cave on!