I cannot believe you did not ask for her name. I'm tempted to just give it to you and go file this entry down under the correct letter with the correct name. But since we made a deal of it in session I suppose I should make you all suffer. She is apparently a high level bard who helped you to brave Thee Rotted Eggplante's unbread crisis. She claimed to be in the beginning stages of starting a new luxury hotel, and was present for the exhibition fight in which an assassination attempt was made on Kelzyr. While she did try to help you apprehend the would-be killer, once the threat took itself out she seemed disinterested in further investigation with an active interest in asking you all to cease further investigation, too. When you would not listen, she stormed off. On Solara, you learned her wife has connections to V.R. in some way, collecting royalties from Fair Lady's Prize Sheep. In the ensuing surveillance conga, she was summoned by marital magic and helped kick your asses.
Amatheena B. Peaflower
A little old half-elven woman doing her best to stay active in retirement. She greets and waits tables at Thee Rotted Eggplante.
Barin of Whayleave
Paladin of Eldath, knowledgeable in all things medicinal or to do with magics that heal and harm. In his duties as a Paladin, he mostly serves as an armed and capable field nurse. And rumor has it he makes a mean cacio e pepe.
Capt. Brock Toadwalker
Mountport Guard captain. Has apparently had dealings with Hubbard before.
Dornise Faywiles
Associate Historian of the Verdantial Library of Science and Commerce & Director of Outreach and Acquisitions at the VLSC Museum Trust. Hottie.
Faer Gun Kot
Are genasi, proudly verdantial, and a self-proclaimed political rival. Most recently, the party caught him in what amounts to a terrorist attack to the people of Mountport, stealing their children's blankets and wishing to destroy them publicly to make some metaphor about tax policies between the old kingdoms under the Avaloch Accords. He was brought to justice without so much effort once he willingly gave away the position where it would be easiest to catch him.
Head of medicine and healing at the Mountport's Dockside Eldath Temple.
The 'a' is silent, and DON'T make her tell you twice. Finka works the desk at Fair Lady's Prize Sheep on even-numbered days, filling the roles of editor, marketer, and customer difficulties specialist. She has been working there about a decade, and is the designated contact with Jenne Rismol, the hooded figure collecting V.R's royalties.
Gauze Coco
The wealthiest and dumbest person in Mountport, probably owing reasonable claim to both superlatives at once. His apparent hobbies include posturing and blowing things way out of proportion.
Guira Cannamon
A half-orc woman, apparently a sales rep from Bailey's Bay Leaves company, and has apparently been there long enough to make some serious money for it. She and her partner, Elda, have a baby together. In trying to hide the baby from her parents, the Cannamon family got tangled in a false police report aiming to blame Turtle for a break in. Oh well, the party took some hush money for that but whatevs. She also turned out to be B&E zero of the Faer Gun Kot blanket statement heists.
H.E. Copperpacker
A handsome Kobold and wealthy seafarist, philantropist, and, uh, bicyclist. Though he claims not to be local to Mountport, he and his wife Theophania seemed to have reason enough to subject themselves to the city's bizarre laws on public drawings in holding the auction for the clipper ship Ruthless.
'Baby' Hubbard
Hubbard can claim to be a cook or busser, and now a necromancer, too. He would seem to be a failure at all of the above, however, and is at the very least guilty of several counts negligent homicide.
Apparently an old companion of Hanea's, who as of six years ago resided in the Eastbridge district of Applebrandy, where Hanea became well-acquainted with a few special rooms in her mansion. At the time, she was married, though Hanea never met the spouse. It would appear she is still married, and to your old 'Bard' friend, who appeared as you stalked her from her cloak-wearing V.R. job at Fair Lady's Prize Sheep to a pie vendor Fisk was racist toward to the alley you cornered her in. Though you were valiant and frantic, she and her Bard wife wiped your health. Looks like all parties involved are in for a very very painful conversation.
Owner of Mountport's very own Spud Hut potato museum and service-to-go restaurant. A kind old man, very well loved by his community.
An aspiring author not worth his salt. You met him in the middle of a heated rebuke at the hands of Finka, who considered Belated Chickens: Musings on Love, Life, and the Gripes I Have About My Neighbor, Karl to be a "waste of [her] time" and "one of the most egregious insults received in Fair Lady's history."
Mick 'Fingies' Stevenson
Mayor Tina Johnson's personal guard. Doesn't talk about himself too much.
Mitch Csatlos
Mitchell Csatlos is a forest gnome, aged one hundred and twenty-two. He is known for being the most politically active of Eldath's Cousins, having on at least three occasions started several campaigns to petition a local government or Avaloch for the funding needed to save an orphanage. Most recently, he was making headlines on the island of Whiteline for bumping into a highly wanted cat burglar and talking him into reimbursing all his victims before turning himself in.
Initiate of last rites and practice at Mountport's Dockside Eldath Temple, currently under supervision and mentorship of Feoria. And it turns out he makes for an attentive scribe.
Tendo Clause
Recent inheritor of the Citrus Flights property in Cheradeville. He takes himself much more seriously than his role as proprietor, yet still seems to effortlessly hold up the inn's reputation.
Tugg & Whipjack
Tina's friends from her days with Ironklad's anti-pirate navy. They got their starts as a pair of notorious pirates, and Tina's crew was the one to capture Tugg. The scuttle on open seas, though she and crew won, left her ship thoroughly scuttled, sinking fast, and in exchange for his freedom and the right to marry Whipjack peacefully and legally without fuss, he promised to fix the ship up. Miraculously, he was able to. Tina's captain offered him a position, but he declined in favor of a peaceful marriage with Whipjack as he was promised. He used his skills to become a moderately successful wayfinder, whose skills have a reputation that makes them worth the high prices he's known to charge. When Tina needs inspections or other upgrades and ship services, his stop on the eastern coast of Solara Isle is the first place she'll go. Whipjack is an eccentric Bard, very friendly to guests and customers. She's not into looking for her big break, fame, or fortune. She just wants to enjoy the peace that has found her at her dockside home.
Mountport's stupidest ever local pervert, recently brought from the height of a harebrained business operation to earned justice by a band of weirdos in want of a ship to call their own and an ankle biting red drake.
Mayor Tina Johnson
Was once an adventurer, but fell pregnant and settled down in Mountport to raise her son, Tim. He had ambitions enough to join the city guard at age fifteen. Watching her son dutifully serve their home, she got into politics and city happenings, and she has been Mayor for the last six years. She is sure of herself and headstrong, but deeply loyal to her home all the same.
Rigg Lounor
Journalist and skilled interviewer, and is the woman in charge of Mountport's largest source of news, the Word-of-the-Port-of-the-Mount.
Victor Baptiste
Known for being father to Louis Baptiste, Cousin in Eldath, he is perhaps more famous for his duties outside of his religion. The IFL is massive in size, and it owes much of the culture that made it so successful to all the years Victor put his heart into making the league something truly great and keeping it respectful and respectable all the while. When Kelzyr got his start in the IFL, Victor was his coach.
Violetta Sage Lyndrake
A young and fast talking tabaxi girl who is fluent in both the ancestral Ebonreacher and Verdantial tongues, often blending them in a dialect that seems inspired by orc speakers of Ebonreacher and aarakocra speakers of Verdantial. She recruited you alone in a moderately empty district of Mountport, clearly eager to make your acquaintance in particular. She aims to be the first voyager to survive and successfully chart the Lyndrake Expanse. At least for now, you seem to have your own purposes to want membership among a ragtag crew like hers.